End of The World

Minecraft in Education!

The new features are awesome!

Research, study, design and develop with Minecraft in Education. Recorded and Edited by 10 year old SL. "I've been really wanting to see the end of the world. I'm going to research how to get there and Pratice".

Our oldest is inquisitive and devours books. When she gets a hold of something, she wants to discover all she can about that topic. It’s been amazing to watch her mind develop. With that in mind as I explore and play with the new Bata Platform with Minecraft in Education, I’ve been able to watch my kids take off and fly as we try and explore the new options available for the classroom. Imagine taking an idea that that you’ve been wanting to see if it will work such as “what are the tools needed to create a portal and find the Enderdragon.” That’s what we’ve been doing as we explore Beta Mode. On her own she researched, drew out a plan and then preformed it as we watched. She also recorded her work, edited her video and added music. Creativity at it’s finest! I can’t wait to see what happens in the classroom as other children start to explore Minecraft in Education! Does your school have Minecraft? How do you use it in the classroom?