Home Reading
August Home Reading
Get your August Home Reading Here. With the theme, “Adventure in Reading”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are three calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in the adventure themed picture for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color August Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of August Reading Here and head back to school ready to learn.
July Home Reading
Get your July Home Reading Here. With the theme, “Relax with a Good Book”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are three calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in the beach themed picture for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color July Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of July Reading Here.
June Home Reading
Get your June Home Reading Here. With the theme, “Read S’More Books”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are four calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in the camping themed picture for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color June Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of June Reading Here.
April Home Reading
Get your April Home Reading here. With the theme, “Reading Helps You Grow Inch by Inch”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are four calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in the inch worm and garden themed pictures for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color April Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of April Home Reading Here.
February Home Reading
Get your February Home Reading Calendar early. With the theme, “Fall in Love with Learning”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are three calendars in this set. Pre-k & Kindergarten, enjoy filling in hearts and Valentine themed pictures for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color Fall in Love with Reading! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a copy of February Home Reading Here.
May Home Reading
Get your May Home Reading here. With the theme, “Reading Helps you Bloom”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are four calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in the flower themed picture for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color May Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of May Home Reading here.
March Home Reading
Get your March Home Reading Calendar. With the theme, “A Good Book is Like a Pot of Gold”, make reading fun and meaningful with these educational activity calendars. Fun for all elementary learners, there are three calendars in this set. Pre-K & Kindergarten, enjoy coloring in gold coins and St. Patrick’s Day themed pictures for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy a good book and complete 20 activities then color March Home Reading Page! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Download a digital copy of March Home Reading Here.
January Home Reading
Happy New Year!!! 2017 is here and what better time to set goals and have a little fun while reading?! One of my favorites, children of all ages will enjoy my “Out of this World Reading” calendar. Fun for all elementary learners, there are three calendars in this set. Pre-k & Kindergarten, enjoy filling in stars for each day you read. 1st and 2nd grades, enjoy this silly calendar with a good book and complete 20 activities then color Mr. Alien’s Space Scene! Grades 3-5 enjoy a calendar filled with fun activities from art to athletic and simple to engaging, complete 20 tasks for 20 days read. Have fun and share your work. Come on over to my Etsy Page to download a copy of January’s Home Reading.