Happy International Women's Day 2019

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International Women’s Day 2019

On this Friday, March 8th, we celebrate International Women’s Day 2019. The theme this year is #BalanceforBetter. Just how can we create a world that has a better balance for gender equality? Let’s start by celebrating women’s achievement. Who remembers the iconic song from Marry Poppins, “Sister Suffragette”? As a young girl watching the movie I didn’t fully appreciate the Lyrics . Now as a mother of two young girls, I see the incredible value in teaching our history to our young girls. With that in mind I welcome you to track down one of the following books to read to your children.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2

Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World


Let’s teach our young ones just what women have accomplished. Empower our younger generation to see how we are truly resilient and amazing.

On my facebook post today I wrote this message for my sweet girls:

Today on #Internationalwomenday always remember:
❤️ You are unique and special
❤️ Bring the Lord and positivity into your daily practice
❤️ Shine with life and love
❤️ Find joy in all around you 
❤️ Make friends and keep those friendships alive
❤️ Be proud to be a girl and a woman 
❤️ Women are amazing 
❤️ Don’t take things for granted (your relationships, your health and your success)
❤️ Believe in miracles 
❤️ Be kind
❤️ Laugh daily
❤️ Strive to succeed
❤️ Embrace fear and do it anyway 
❤️ I pray that we always have The kind of relationship you can talk to me about anything, your worries your fears, your anxieties, I’m here for you.
❤️ You are loved, you are appreciated and you are amazing
❤️You are capable of incredible things 
I’d love to hear from you! How will you teach #balanceforbetter?

One of biggest gifts I’ve been blessed with is my business with Rodan+Fields. Our group of women is unique, empowering and a complete joy to work with. Is there a better group of women that focus on building each other up and working together? Just check out this wonderful, inspiring video posted by the R+F community today! Just take a peek on my product website for more info: KellyLucero.myrandf.com. Or inspired to learn more about the business: KellyLucero.myrandf.biz !
