Our Weekly Menu

This weeks menu is ready! We follow the guidelines of Trim Healthy Mama developed by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison and we encourage you to check out their websitebooks and various social media platforms.


Monday: Spaghetti with low carb pasta  (E). My three sure love their spaghetti.  For them we pair it with low carb pasta. For the adults we use spaghetti squash for our noodles. Looking for an easy and quick way to cook your squash?  Check out this blog for directions for a InstaPot Version.

Tuesday: Tacos (S) Low carb tortillas with ground meat, avocados, cheese and whole fat yogurt in place of sour cream and we have an easy but quick meal.

Wednesday: Brinner night (S), page 279 & 336 of the book Trim Healthy Table. Waffles, bacon and eggs for dinner?!  Yum!

Thursday: Teriyaki Beef and Broccoli (E) page 82 of the book Trim Healthy Table. This recipe has an S (satisfying fats) or E (energizing healthy carbs)  option.

Friday: Low Carb Pizza, (c/o) crust made with Cheese bread sticks on page 310of the book Trim Healthy Table. 

Saturday: Little Sweet little spicy drumsticks (S), page 221 of the book, Trim Healthy Table. For a fun little treat tonight, flavorful chicken legs with Brown “Sugar” Air-Fried Brussel Sprouts!*

Sunday: Chicken Noodle Soup, We sure love our Briana Thomas recipes. What’s not to love about comfort food in a bowl.


Sweets for the Week
Air Fried Brussel Sprouts
  • 1 Bag of Frozen Brussel Sprouts

  • 1 tsp xylitol

  • 1 tsp black strap molasses

  • salt and cayenne paper to taste

  • coconut spray

Line the Air-Fryer with foil.  Spray the Brussel Sprouts with coconut spray. Sprinkle salt and cayenne paper xylitol and molasses onto sprouts.  Mix and add to the air fryer. Cook for 15-18 mins until toasty.