Island Dreaming


Do you dream of adventure? Have you even had one of those vacations that you just know is an experience of a lifetime? For two weeks, we took just such a trip. Fueled with #coffeeandasmile (if you are a coffee lover you are so going to enjoy Kona) I was able to #learnonthego with my kids, explore and embrace our adventure all the while still earning income through my #sidehustle; now my full time job. Rodan+Fields has given me the chance to travel, write and have #timefreedom. What will it do for you? Intrigued? Let’s chat!

Now, onto Island Dreaming! Over the next several posts, through the eyes of our children, they will take you on our adventure. Ages 9 ,7 and 5, our littles journaled the 14+1 days spent traveling to and around the Big Island of Hawaii. After pouring through their journals and interviewing them separately, they have each listed their 10 ten favorites to do on the Island. Tune in, follow and read all about their favorite destinations, tasty foods and see the holiday through their perspective.

I dare you to grab your cup of coffee, dream be inspired and get ready to smile!