Emoji Word Choice

One of my favorite tools as a writer is my thesaurus.  Stress with finding the right word melts away with this oh so helpful tool. So when I heard my 2nd grade girl was struggling with written expression, I couldn't wait to introduce her to my "pen pal".  There are plenty of online thesaurus sites where you can easily type in your word and instantly you have a wealth of synonyms at your fingertips. However, I want my daughter familiar with using guide words and locating her word match.

For a little fun afternoon project, I located my children's thesaurus, found a stash of emoticon stickers and used a set of blank books from the Target dollar bin. My plan, after introducing her to the thesaurus, was to have her create her own reference book that matched her voice and gave her preferred word choices.

This is fun start to her journey into creative expression.